Thursday, May 19, 2005
My First True Love...
For the most part, I'm a very selfish person. There's not a lot of people I would do absolutely anything for. My son Aiden is one of those rarities. From the moment I held him, I knew I had never in my life experienced love the way I felt for him. As I held his tiny, furry little body in my arms...and gazed into those eyes so much like my own, I fell madly in love. As he's grown, and become his own little person, I've found that not only do I love him simply because he's mine, but because of all the things he is. He is the smartest kid I've ever met. His vocabulary constantly astounds me. His grasp of what's going on in the world around him, is not typical for a child his age. He understands things most adults can barely comprehend. I'm well known for my manipulation skills, and for being able to talk my way into getting pretty much whatever I want. This kid could run circles around me. He is hilaaarious. He's like a magnet wherever we go, people are just drawn to him. People are always laughing at things he says or does, and then asking me how old he is. At hearing my reply, they always say something to the extent of, "Are you serious?! My sister's son is five, and you can't understand a word he says!" I love him because, he walks in the room and says "Mom, I've got a present for you." Then he climbs in my lap, and puts his little arms around my neck, kisses my cheek, and tells me he loves me. He'll sneak into my room once I'm asleep and sleep at the foot of my bed, just to be near me. He kills the scary bugs for me, because I'm chicken, then runs around the house chasing me with it. Because when I braved going on a ride that was too high for my liking, he held my hand and told me not to be scared. Because he tries to act like his little brother is this huge pain in the butt, but when he thinks no one can hear, treats him like a his little doll. Because at two he stomped around the house, muttering under his breath about having to take the garbage out, when I had never even asked him to do it. "Saigie, Mommy would reaaaally like it if you played in the fireplace." "Mom, I know how God spanks you. He gives you a sunburn." Upon finding out I wanted him for Easter, when he wanted to go to Mexico with his father's family, his solution: "I know. We'll call up a scientist, have him make a clone of me. Then the real me can go to the fiesta, and the fake me can stay here with you." Walking up behind me, he noticed the tattoo of the Eiffel Tower I have on my back. He asked me, "Did you get that tattoo in Mexico, Las Vegas or France?" I turned around and asked him, "Why would you say France?" He looks at me like, duh, and says "Because that's where that building is, Mom." Walking into the Renaissance Festival, he takes a look around and says, "Hey, this kinda looks like the Middle Ages." When asking me about why his father and I aren't together, I explained to him that we just don't get along very well. His response being, "Don't ya think you should have figured that out BEFORE you had kids." "Mom, when I grow up, I'm gonna marry you." Then after thinking about it for a few minutes, changes his mind and tells me, "Wait, nevermind, by the time I'm grown up...you'll be an old lady." In two months, my son will start kindergarten.
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