People always say that you're lucky to leave this world having experienced one true friend. I was just sitting here thinking how I think that in this moment I have more real friends than I have ever in my life. Every one of the wonderful women in my life are supportive & non-toxic, and I know that if I really needed any one of them, they would be there for me in a heartbeat. When I'm with them, I feel good. I was telling Lucia a few weeks ago, how I always ask myself three questions when deciding how involved I will allow certain people to be in my life:
1. The last several times we've talked, who initiated it..is the relationship one sided?
2. If I met them today...would we still be friends?
3. When I'm with them or I talk to them...how do I feel?
That last one is so key. I've had people in my life before, and everytime we spoke I hung up upset, shaking, and feeling bad about myself. No one needs that kind of negative energy in their lives. Life is too short to spend in with people that make you want to poke your eyeballs out.Soooo...Sandy, Sarah, Lisa, Diana, Nae, Des, Angie, & Lucia, I just want to say I love you all so much and appreciate your roles in my life.
Oh, and shout out to my two boy besties: Rodney, and of course my bestest bestie of all: Big Babe.
Lub you all!
I love your blogs. It's better than reading celebrity gossip in magazines :-) Miss you!