March 8, 2005....after 2 months of obsessively messaging via Myspace, I invited the cute boy to my house. I was soooo sick, and sent him a message that if he was a good myspace boyfriend, he'd come hang out with me. Of course he was, and he did. I sat at my window peeking out for like half and hour, and when he arrived and I saw how unbelievably adorable he was, I starting dancing around the room, giggling uncontrollably. That night we played board games, and watched American Idol & SVU. We talked, and talked, and talked. We played Upwords, and made a bet that whoever lost, had to take the other out on a date that Friday (it was Tues). As we all know...I rock at boardgames, so the boy had to take me out. That date ended up being to a Suns games, and we were so involved in talking to eachother, we didn't even realize the game was over, until over half the arena had already cleared out. That tuesday though, I was smitten. I felt something so happy & genuine, and sweet. Four years later, I'm so lucky to have this amazing man in my life, and in the lives of my boys. I still rush home, with the same butterflies in my stomach at the prospect of seeing him, his hugs still make me googly, and when I look at him, I feel the sparkles in my eyes. So...Happy 4 Year Anniversary, Big Babe! And to many, many more...
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