Juuuuust kidding...that's not quite how my evening went, but it was a great night! I had more calls and emails on this birthday than I have ever in my life. I feel so lucky and so loved. Thank you so much to everyone who sent me their wishes. It really means a lot to me. So here's my reflection on the previous year, and my goals for the year ahead...
- I've made several wonderful friends, who I truly hope to be in my life for many years to come. Heather, Diana, and Sandra...I love the three of you so much and I am very happy I was so lonely I had to post an ad for friends. It couldn't have worked out better for me. You are all such geniune, fun people, and I am so happy to have you in my life. Yay for San Diego!!!
- I've reconnected with a friend I almost lost who means more to me than she could imagine. Sarah, my lub...I still see you and I on a bus to Atlanta knitting sweaters when we're 80. (I specify bus, so that neither one of us are driving, and Atlanta not Vegas).
- I witnessed two of my besties tie the knot, on the same day my missing bestie had her third baby girl. It was an inspiring day for all.
- Sadly, that day was followed by one of the most heartbreaking events I have ever lived through. LRH my heart will never fully heal, and I think about you every single day of my life.
- In an effort to get myself out of the sadness of the previous reflection, I sat down and made a list of 25 things I'd like to accomplish before I'm 30, and I'm a good 5-7 items in now. Exactly 2 years to go and counting.
- One of the items on my list, and the most scary was go back to school. I am now finishing up my 2nd class, and have got about 2.5 more years to go before I can finally start teaching!
- For a few short months, Aiden was in football, which in addition to making him the most handsomest child on the planet (well, tied with Saige anyway) also made me insanely happy. I loved being able to see all the people I just don't get to see as often as I'd like.
- I am still wildly in love after almost 4 years, with the man of my dreams, living in the house of my dreams, and I have the two babies of my dreams (although I'm hoping there is a girl baby somewhere in my future dreams).
Before I'm 29, along with completing many of the items on the aforementioned list, I'd like to...
- Somehow find time in my busy life to spend more time with all of my sisters, especially Jessie, Kendall, and Lauren. I would like to close out the next year feeling all sistery and bonded, and I want them to know how much they matter to me.
- I want to finally paint the kitchen/living room the beautiful gold I imagine.
- I will plant grass, I will plant grass, I will plant grass.
- I will continue to work on time management and prioritizing in regards to my school work. I will actually read the chapters and retain the information instead of doing the skim thing.
- I will make a greater effort to remember to feed Aiden and Saige breakfast instead of tossing them a pop-tart as we rush out for school, which means getting up earlier (which sucks).
- I will try to remember how blessed and happy I really am, even on bad days when it seems the world is out to get me.
At the end of the day I go sleep beside the man I love, with my kids healthy and snuggled in their beds, in a house that I feel safe in, and I am surrounded by people who love me. Oh, and despite our President's greatest efforts...I've still got a job. ;-) Go Obama!
I love you all...
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